The Effect of Sexual Myths on Quality of Sexual Life, Marital Satisfaction and Self-Esteem in Married Women with Physically Disabled
Chapter from the book:
Current Researches in Health Sciences-II.
Physical disability constitutes a large proportion of the population both in the world and in Turkey. However, the problems related to marriage life, sexuality and sexual life of this population have not been adequately studied. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of sexual myths on the sexual quality of life, marital satisfaction and self-esteem in married women with physical disability. This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted between May 2022 - March 2023. The data of the study were collected by face-to-face interviews with physically disabled married women registered with the Disabled Associations in Zonguldak. The study was completed with 266 physically disabled married women who met the inclusion criteria. “Personal Charateristics Form”, “Sexual Myths Scale”, “Sexual Quality of Life Scale-Female”, “Marital Satisfaction Scale” and “Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale” were used for the data collection. SPSS was used to analyze the data. In the study, the level of belief in sexual myths of disabled married women was found to be above the medium level, and their sexual life quality, marital satisfaction and self-esteem were found to be low level. In addition, It was determined that there was a negative and strong relationship between belief in sexual myths and quality of sexual life (r=-0.71; p<0.001); there was a negative and moderate relationship between belief in sexual myths and marital satisfaction (r=-0.51; p<0.05) and self-esteem (r=-0.58; p<0.05). This study showed that married women with disability experience problems in their sexual lives. It is thought that the data obtained from the study will contribute to the literature.